Friday, August 30, 2019

Hack to school Night

Well yesterday was back to school night I went to help FFA to translate and even though I didn’t wanted to go I had to because I’m one of the officers. I thought I wouldn’t like it but I did. I saw so many family happy to see what their children do at school or what kind of program there is for them . But something catch my eye, how our generation had change so much that’s these phone we have can pretty much control us. Well this women came to my booth and well she was trying to talk I to her child he didn’t even paying attention to her at all. I felt so bad for that women how can her own child pay more attention to his phone and not his own mother. And plus the fact the women look confused didn’t know what to do or where to go. This honestly made me feel so bad for our generation how we rather use our phones than spend time with our own family. Pretty much what I’m saying is spend time with your family give them every attention they need , take a break and talk to them because you have no idea when it could be there last day in earth. Trust me you will regret not taking to them take my advice. I have felt it and as day ,week,and year pass I still wish I would’ve spend time with my grandpa. But no these these objets we have can pretty much control us and make us forget we even have a family that care about us and would do anything to have at least one good conversation with us.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Communication strategies of a hacker

The mentor of the article use dictation by basically using his own choices of words. Let’s keep in mind he is a Junior in high school and you will expect harsh language well you do see them but not a lot. The way he pick his word are like them same way he talk like a teenager and still being a little mature about it too. The way he expressed himself was with almost madness but not to much. The way he provide his point in his article was using his teenage self but also using language older people will understand.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Rights to your Opinion

When I saw the title of this post I thought I would be reading the basic but no it was so different. While let me tell you something I hate reading and I can't be the only one but today I took notes during class while the teacher was explain even though I was getting bored sorry Mr. Preston I still manage to take some note about toady's section. * one person right is another person obligation * Agreement is a search for truth okay in this one I was wow yes. When you get in agreement a lot of you get mad like me but still listen to the person opinion ( maybe some of you) even though I don't like being wrong but it is because you get to find out how they see the situation. Now let be real I didnt read all of it because I began to fall asleep.


Oaky so I haven't posted in a while and today in class my teacher began to tell us to post more because a lot of us aren't post anything. Well I was expecting more people to post so I can get away with but no. But honestly it is bad knowing the teacher is giving us this opportunity to do something some teacher won't let us do so from now and on I will start to post even more so get ready to learn the same thing as me. For those who drop out of high school keep with my blogs because I'm here to help. (;

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Friday, August 16, 2019

Welocme to my Blog !!

   Hi my name is Marisol Ramirez also known as (Mary) and I’m currently a junior in high school. I can’t wait to share my Junior year experience with all of you and complain about how stressful Junior year is. On here I will be sharing all my ideas and and much more. I will try to keep up with post at least once week. ✌️

May 5, 2020

I haven't been on this since march 13, 2020. This whole pandemic brought so many thing good and bad. I learn to how to play a song on my...