Friday, August 30, 2019

Hack to school Night

Well yesterday was back to school night I went to help FFA to translate and even though I didn’t wanted to go I had to because I’m one of the officers. I thought I wouldn’t like it but I did. I saw so many family happy to see what their children do at school or what kind of program there is for them . But something catch my eye, how our generation had change so much that’s these phone we have can pretty much control us. Well this women came to my booth and well she was trying to talk I to her child he didn’t even paying attention to her at all. I felt so bad for that women how can her own child pay more attention to his phone and not his own mother. And plus the fact the women look confused didn’t know what to do or where to go. This honestly made me feel so bad for our generation how we rather use our phones than spend time with our own family. Pretty much what I’m saying is spend time with your family give them every attention they need , take a break and talk to them because you have no idea when it could be there last day in earth. Trust me you will regret not taking to them take my advice. I have felt it and as day ,week,and year pass I still wish I would’ve spend time with my grandpa. But no these these objets we have can pretty much control us and make us forget we even have a family that care about us and would do anything to have at least one good conversation with us.

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May 5, 2020

I haven't been on this since march 13, 2020. This whole pandemic brought so many thing good and bad. I learn to how to play a song on my...